The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers is comprised of many smaller entities called Locals. Locals are organized by the type of work that they serve within a given jurisdiction This is done so that there is simple and effective organization amongst the many members of the IBEW. In addition, a Local may be comprised of many units, which can be formed by geographic location, employer, or the type of work. Local 1393 is comprised of 12 units and we represent work throughout Indiana in the following industries:
The way that Local 1393 operates is largely based on democracy. We aim to bring democracy and a collective voice, to your workplace. We conduct ourselves in the same manner. Most positions within the Local are elected amongst your fellow Members. Many of the officers listed below do Union activities in addition to their skilled trade. We are all thankful for the hard work they endure.
Business Manager / Financial Secretary: Robert C. Fox
President: Ronnie Thompson
Vice President: Gregg Madden
Recording Secretary: Rick Byrer
Treasurer: Michael Trowbridge
Executive Board Members:
Unit 1: George Tindoll IV
Unit 2: Jim Alexander
Unit 3: Gary Winstead
Unit 4: Cris Walker
Unit 5: Chuck Owens
Unit 6: Gary Henry
Unit 7: Tim Overman
Unit 8: Shane Jenkins
Unit 9: Brent Lewis
Unit 10: Troy Amerman
Unit 11: Stan Phillips
Unit 12: Tyler Gardiner
Business Agents:
Randy Gardiner
David Friedt
John Cochran
Phil Jennings
Alex Van Donselaar
Chris Wilson
Zachary Kolb