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News Archives

Duke Energy negotiations update:

02/24/15 - The Union and the Company met today starting at 10:00AM to discuss proposals. See the Member's section of the website for negotiation updates.

Want updates from the local?

02/20/15 - Did you know that you can receive text messages and/or email updates from us? If you're a Member, log in to the website and fill out the appropriate information in "Member Demographics" and you'll be on the list!

Duke Energy negotiations update:

02/18/15 - We have exchanged proposals. You'll need to sign in on our website at the upper right hand corner, then select the "Negotiation Updates" tab. This will only be visible to Members that are Duke Energy employees. In the future, there will be confidential information posted in this area. Please refrain from accessing this area while using a Duke Energy computer, and always be sure to log out of the website when you are done.


02/12/15 - Employees of Asplundh Tree Expert Co. that work on Indiana & Michigan Power property have voted to join IBEW Local 1393! We had 67 votes to join, and 8 votes cast not to join. We will be welcoming 111 Members into our Local!!!

Steven L. Moore will be missed...

02/09/15 - Long time Executive Board Member from Unit 2 (Columbus) has passed away. Click through the link for information on services and memorial contributions.

Have you checked out our Facebook page?

02/03/15 - We're just shy of 500 likes! Check it out at www.facebook.com/IBEW1393.

Been wondering when our unit meetings are?

01/30/15 - Just click on "Calendar" up on top to see the locations and times of upcoming unit meetings.

Have you checked out the recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report from the U.S. Department of Labor?

01/28/15 - Fast Fact: The median weekly earnings of a union member was $970 vs a non union worker's median weekly earnings of $763. That's nearly $11,000 per year!

You can read it all here: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/union2.pdf

Duke Energy Negotiations

01/20/15 - The formulations committee will be meeting over the next couple of days to discuss contract proposals for the upcoming negotiations.

Attention Construction Members

01/15/15 - You are now able to sign the books and submit online. Just use the same links as before from the construction tab across the top of the page.

Duke Energy Negotiations

01/12/15 - The Formulations Committee for the upcoming Duke Energy negotiations have been selected. To view, you must be a Duke Energy Member. Login through the upper right hand corner of the page, then look for the tab labeled "Negoitation Updates" and select the drop down.

We have some new hats!

12/15/14 - We have a very limited number of beanie caps available. They are $10 each, and available in Navy Blue, Black, Safety Orange, and Safety Yellow. Drop by or call the hall to order!

Reminder - Office will be closed...

12/09/14 - On December 10th & 11th we will be closed at the hall from 11:00AM to 2:00PM due to software updates being conducted by the International.

Still doing some holiday gift shopping?

12/08/14 - Union Plus has a great guide to items that are made in the United States. You can follow the link here. 

Reminder for Apprentices:

12/04/14 - Print your evaluations and enter your work hours today - you won't have another chance until after December 9th.

Freezing rain for central Indiana:

12/02/2014 - There are numerous incidents and slick spots in the central Indiana area this morning, so be careful out there. To check out the latest weather conditions for the area go here: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/ind/. Check out INDOT's TrafficWise for up to date road and traffic conditions.

The latest issue of The Electrical Worker:

12/01/2014 - Did you know that you could read the International's The Electrical Worker publication online? You can read December's edition here.

Notice for our Apprentices:

11/27/2014 - The ALBAT Program will be shut down December 5, 2014 through December 9, 2014 to move into their new office building on their current property.  They will not have telephone, internet, or computer access and the my.albat.org website will be down during these dates. Please print your evaluations and enter your work hours prior to December 5, 2014.

Many thanks to our Members!!!

11/27/2014 - Many of our Members work in jobs that are required to be staffed 24/7, or they may even be on call today. We would like to say thanks to our Members that are working, so that many of our friends & family can enjoy the holiday.

We've got a discount on boots!

11/26/2014 - By being an IBEW 1393 Member, you can get a 27% discount on American made, Union made work boots from TheUnionBootPro.com. Just head over to their website and use discount code BE1393MD.

Temporary office closings at the Union Hall coming up...

11/24/2014 - On December 10th & 11th we will be unable to conduct normal business at the hall from 11:00AM to 2:00PM due to software updates being conducted by the IBEW.

Duke Energy Members will be receiving their surveys soon...

11/06/2014 - Just to let you all know, if you are a Member that works for Duke Energy, surveys were mailed out today. We need to have them completed and returned to us by 12/31/2014. This is a very crucial step in the contract negotiation process. It's your first opportunity to let your voice be heard for any changes that you would like to see with the present agreement. Look for a special tab on the website to keep you updated as we get closer to negotiations.

Members show skill and determination...

11/05/14 - Recently IBEW 1393 Members showed their skills and eterminiation at the 2014 International Lineman's Rodeo held in Bonner Springs, KS. It's anannual event in which the best line workers from around the world compete in events based on tradition and skills. This year, there were over 200 teams, and over 250 apprentices.



News about Area Wide Protective...

09/29/2014 - The employees of Area Wide Protective in Indiana will soon get their chance to make their voice heard!

An election will be conducted through the mail. If you run into any of these Future Members - direct them to www.ibewlocal1393.com/awp/.



09/16/2014 - A petition was filed to seek representation for Area Wide Protective employees. A majority of the employees have signed "Authorization for Representation" cards allowing IBEW Local 1393 to start the process of assisting these Future Members as they seek a collective voice of reason with their employer. Everyday, somewhere within our jurisdiction, our Future Brothers & Sisters are watching our backs by providing traffic control as our line construction/utility crews are working. It's now our turn to help take care of them. For those of you who do work with these Future Members, please speak with them about the benefits that you enjoy as a union member, such as:

1) A contract between them, and their employer that outlines wages, benefits and working conditions.

2) That contract stops the company from taking things away on a whim.

3) It is their right to seek representation regardless of what Area Wide Protective wants.

What's the next step? The NLRB will conduct a vote of Area Wide Protective employees. Between now and when that vote happens (usually within 60 days) - our Future Brothers & Sisters will likely be facing a storm of opposition from their employer. Scare tactics, lies, and myths are a common occurrence during this time. Remind them to stay strong and let them know that the 2600 Members of IBEW Local 1393 will stand with them.

It's been 70 years!

04/21/2014 - On April 21st, 1944, Local 1393 was formed. We were originally part of Local #9 which dates back to January 9th, 1892. As Local #9 grew, "1393-B" was formed. As it stands today, we represent workers all over Indiana that work for a multitude of companies. If you like, you can read more about the history of the IBEW here.

Did You Know: Generating Stations

IBEW Local #1393 Members work in a wide variety of skills and locations within Indiana. A large portion of our membership work in generating stations (also known as power plants). A generating station is where the process of powering your home & business begins. Here in Indiana, our Members provide up to 9300 Megawatts (approximately). That’s enough to provide electricity for almost 3,000,000 homes!

What a generating station does is convert energy. The process of conversion starts with a variety of fuels. For some stations it could be coal, while other locations use natural gas provided by our Members at Vectren Energy. Further still, our Members operate a Hydro plant that sits on the Ohio River in southern Indiana. That fuel, let’s use natural gas for an example, can be burned and used in a couple of different ways. One method is to use it in an engine (we call them turbines) that is very similar to what a large ship or an airliner uses. That turbine turns a generator, which puts out electricity. Another option, which is how our coal plants operate as well, is that the fuel is used to create heat, which is then used to make steam. This steam is then routed and used to turn a generator.  All of the machinery that does all of this is very maintenance intensive.

Our Members in Construction spend most of their time outside enduring any weather that is thrown at them, while our Members at generating stations spend their days working inside an industrial environment. For many, that’s a 12 hour day inside a noisy, dark, greasy, dusty, and hot facility. Did I mention it gets HOT? Even in the middle of summer it can be like walking into an oven. Don’t forget, it doesn’t matter what holiday it is, our Members are working inside those stations. It’s a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week operation that never stops, no matter what.


Brother Mike Davis Will Be Missed

03/27/2014 - On Tuesday March 25, 2014 Brother Mike Davis suffered a fatal on the job accident at a Duke Energy substation in Carmel, Indiana. Brother Mike Davis was two months shy of being a 36 year Member of Local 1393 and he we was an employee of Duke Energy. We don’t know a lot about the accident at this time, but the Local is involved in the investigation with the Company as part of the Corporate Investigation Committee. We hope to have more information to share after a meeting with OSHA on March 27th.

Services will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday, March 29, 2014, at Randall & Roberts Funeral Center, 1685 Westfield Road, in Noblesville, with Pastor Keith Comp officiating. Visitation will be Friday, March 28, 2014 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the funeral home. Burial will be at Crownland Cemetery in Noblesville.

Please continue to think of Brother Mike’s family and colleagues during this difficult time, as he will be deeply missed by many.


We Lost a Member Today

03/25/2014 - Local #1393 lost a Member from Duke Energy today in Carmel, Indiana while on the job. We'll post more information as we have it.


IBEW Local 1393 Member Earns 2013 Hour Power Apprentice of the Year

03/09/2014 - Fort Wayne , Indiana resident and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local #1393 member Kayla Ripley, age 22, was honored in Washington D.C. on March 7, 2014 by the IBEW as the 2013 Hour Power Apprentice of the Year. This award is awarded yearly to the best apprentice within the IBEW from the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam from among thousands of apprentices in the line construction field including Journeyman Substation Technician, Journeyman Traffic Signal Technician, Journeyman Cable Splicer Technician, Journeyman URD Technician, Journeyman Lineman and Journeyman Transmission Technician.

Kayla has been in the trade for 3 years. Her work includes traffic signals, street lights, highway lighting and signs. Her family was a big influence in selecting her vocation as her grandfather, dad, brother and 3 uncles are IBEW members.  She has seen first-hand that an IBEW career would allow her solid opportunity and the ability to take care of herself.  She attended Huntington North high school. Ms. Ripley currently works for Shambaugh & Son, a Quality Connection contractor, which has been in the construction/engineering services business since 1926. Currently the largest Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) construction services contractor in Indiana and ranked the 3rd largest specialty contractor in the United States.  With offices located in Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette and South Bend, IN; Detroit and Kalamazoo, MI; Chicago, IL and Toledo, OH. Shambaugh & Son has been recognized nationally with top industry awards for innovation, successful projects, productivity, quality and safety.

The selection process for the Apprentice of the Year considers schooling and hands on instruction for more than 2,000 apprentices. Ms. Ripley was 2nd in her class in the American Line Builders Joint Apprenticeship & Training (ALBAT) for the Traffic Signal Apprenticeship training. The ALBAT Program was officially established in 1958 the result of a cooperative undertaking by the American Line Builders Chapter NECA and the IBEW covering eight states; Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Washington, DC., and Maryland. She was the 1st female apprentice in the Traffic Signal program at ALBAT and is almost a three year member if IBEW Local #1393 and a 3rd generation IBEW member. The instructors at ALBAT stated she was a very fast learner and knowledgeable in the Traffic Signal and Lighting apprenticeship. As part of the honor MS. Ripley received an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C., a plaque and tools from Milwaukee Tools.

“This is a great honor for Local #1393,” stated Business Manager Robert C. Fox.  “It shows our workers are well trained and take great pride in their work.”   IBEW is the largest electrical workers Union in the world and Local #1393 is the largest IBEW Local in Indiana located in Indianapolis, Indiana representing more than 2600 members in the utility field including Duke Energy, Vectren Energy and Hoosier Energy.


Time Change for Unit 6 (Kokomo)

03/05/2014 - Effective April 1st, 2014: Unit 6 (Kokomo) meetings will now be held at 6:00PM. The location is still at the VFW in Kokomo, and it will still be on the first Tuesday of each month.


Update on Injured IBEW Brothers

02/27/2014 - On 2/27/14 Brother Hammond was released from IU Bloomington hospital and is at home resting to continue his recovery. While Brother Flint is still at Eskenazi Health (old Wishard Hospital) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Brother Flint was working for Hydaker-Wheatlake Company at the time of the accident and they are providing hotel rooms for his family while he receives treatment. At this time Brother Flint has very long road ahead of him and continues to fight this injury.


IBEW Brothers Injured on the Job

02/27/2014 - On Monday February 24, 2014 at approximately 12:00PM in the Bloomington, Indiana area on Duke Energy property two IBEW Local #71 members were involved in an accident while working on an energized 19.9KV line as travelers into IBEW #1393 jurisdiction.

The two brothers are Tony Hammond, Journeyman Lineman and Brad Flint, Lineman Apprentice 5th Step. Brother Hammond is at IU Bloomington hospital in the ICU doing as well as expected. Brother Flint is at Eskenazi Health (old Wishard Hospital) in Indianapolis, Indiana he is in the burn unit working through his injuries.

Please keep these Brothers in your prayers during this difficult time for their families. After numerous calls from Brothers and Sisters the Local has established a fund for anyone wishing to donate to these two Brothers’ families. All donations will be provided equally to each. The Local will accept Visa/Master Card and Debit Card without any convenience charge for anyone wanting to donate. All checks should be made out to IBEW #1393 and place Brother’s Hammond/Flint in memo field.


Catching the Winds of Indiana

02/21/2014 - Members of Local 1393 have been busy. Doing what, you might ask? We've been constructing and maintaning most of the 1,543 Megawatts of wind generation capacity in Indiana. Perhaps you've seen a few of these popping up:


Did You Know?

02/19/2014 - Members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1393 affect nearly every aspect of your daily life, even as you read this. We have Members that are involved in not only the process of generating, and getting electricity to your home, but also Members who work to provide you with water, natural gas, and telecom infrastructure. Members that our companies work for are as diverse in scope as they are in size. Our Members serve you by working for companies such as city municipalities, construction companies, water providers, natural gas delivery, and electric utilities.



IBEW Ride 4 A Cure

02/16/2014 - Our annual charity ride will be taking place on July 29th in beautiful Morgantown, WV. The registration fee is only $35. For more information, click here to download the flyer or on the picture below. More information is available at IBEW Ride 4 A Cure.


Polar Vortex January 2014

01/10/2014 - Early this year Hoosiers suffered quite a chill due to a round of severe winter weather. Our Members endured long days exposed to wind chills as low as -45F, and snow fall totals as high as 15 inches.




Outdoor Construction - Look for changes to your retirement:







The Trustees of the National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF), the National Electrical Annuity Plan (NEAP), the National Employees Benefit Board and the National Retirement Board, have approved a temporary Return to Work Amendment to the Plan of Benefits for the NEBF and NEAP.  This amendment permits certain eligible retirees to return to outside line construction covered and contributory employment only for a period of time without a loss of pension benefits from the NEBF or NEAP.  Please read the following notice carefully as this amendment does not apply to all retirees or to all electrical employment.


As you are aware, the rules of the Plans generally provide for a suspension of benefits for a retiree who returns to employment in the electrical industry for forty (40) or more hours per month.  This temporary Return to Work Amendmentchanges the suspension rules for certain eligible retirees.  Following are the features of the amendment:


1.            The extension to the temporary amendment is effective from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.


2.            All normal and early retirees with a pension effective date of December 2013 or earlier will be permitted to return to outside line construction covered and contributory employment only and will be permitted to work for up to 600 hours during the above period without a loss of NEBF or NEAP benefits.  (In order to receive benefits from other funds it will depend on the rules of those funds.)


3.            Because of the demand for outside line construction workers that are needed to work on the aging United States electrical grid infrastructures and related outside line work, this temporary amendment applies only to outside line construction work.


4.            Once an individual has worked for 600 hours in outside line construction covered and contributory employment during the term of the temporary amendment, the individual will no longer be able to take advantage of this amendment and the normal rules (permitting work in the electrical industry for less than forty (40) hours per month without a suspension of benefits) will apply.


5.            Disability pensioners are not eligible (the existing rules applicable to disabled pensioners remain in effect).


6.           Only retirees who return to NEBF or NEAP outside line construction covered and contributory employment will be able to take advantage of this   amendment – this amendment will not apply to persons who work for covered employers where no NEBF or NEAP contributions are required or to persons who work for non-covered employers in the electrical industry.




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