If you are a member of local 1393 your information should already be in our system. Just login at left.

Upcoming Election for Dubois County REC!

12/21/15 - Coming up on January 8th, 2016, there will be an election held for employees of Dubois County REC to decide if they want to join IBEW Local 1393! The election will be held at the Company's training center from 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM. We're looking forward to welcoming this group to the IBEW Local 1393 family. 


Shopping for your friends and loved ones?

12/14/15 - Find information on Union made gifts here: http://www.aflcio.org/Blog/Other-News/Holiday-Gift-Shopping-Check-Out-These-Union-Made-in-America-Ideas


A great quote for the day:

12/07/15 - 




Did you know that you can get a Union Member only roadside assistance plan?

11/30/15 - Union Plus Motor Club specializes in emergency roadside assistance. You can count on fast, friendly and reliable service anywhere in the US and Canada, anytime of the day, 365 days a year for you and your family for $69 per year.
Visit unionplusmotorclub.com to sign up!


New Members joining the Brotherhood!

11/17/15 - We're excited to extend our welcome to our newest Brothers at Asplundh Tree Expert Co. that work on Heartland REMC property. Their election was tonight and 100% of those that participated in the election voted to join!


To all of our United States Veterans:

11/11/15 - 


Important info for Asplundh Tree Expert Company employees on Heartland REMC property:

11/03/15 - Your election is right around the corner! You'll be voting at the Huntington Public Library on Tuesday, November 17th, from 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm. You'll be receiving notices in the mail soon from the National Labor Relations Board.

An election was filed for Asplundh Tree Expert Company employees that work on Heartland REMC property!

10/26/15 - The first step for a Future Member to show interest in joining IBEW Local 1393, is to sign "Authorization for Representation" card. This is the beginning of how a group of employees can take matters into their own hands and have the strength of being in a group, backed by the nearly 3000 Members of Local 1393 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Once there is a sufficient showing of interest from a group, the Local files a petition with the National Labor Relations Board to start the process of being able to assist these Future Members.

New Discount Now Available!

10/19/15 - As a Member of IBEW Local 1393, you can now get a discount at the Carhartt factory store in Greenwood, IN! The discount is as follows:

10% Discount on FR clothing

15% Discount on non-FR clothing

All you need to do is to show proof of membership (like a dues receipt, for example).

Move Over, Slow Down:

10/12/15 - Check out this video from the Indiana State Police & INDOT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7enyx7RPF0

(Indiana Code Section 9-21-8-35-c)

To protect emergency and highway personnel, Indiana law requires motorists to approach cautiously when an emergency vehicle is stopped on two or four lane roadways with emergency lights flashing.

Change lanes away from the emergency vehicle if you can do so safely. If not, reduce your speed 10 mph under the posted speed limit and proceed with caution. Motorists should NOT STOP in the roadway, this may cause a chain reaction rear end collision with other vehicles. Do MOVE OVER and/or SLOW DOWN. As you are driving, plan well ahead by watching for these vehicles:

• Police vehicles 
• Ambulances 
• Fire trucks and rescue equipment 
• Highway incident-response vehicles 
• Highway maintenance vehicles
• Utility service vehicles (effective July 1, 2010)
• Vehicle recovery equipment (tow trucks)

Violating the law can result in a fine and your license will be suspended up to 2 years if you cause damage to emergency equipment, injury or death to an emergency worker.

Even though Indiana's Move Over Laws state that motorists must move over and yield for only emergency vehicles, drivers should always be courteous to those who are broken down on the shoulder. Give them room so that they can safely repair their vehicles. Be a courteous driver and help prevent tragedies.

Got your eye on a new union made car or truck?

09/21/15 - Our friends over at Union Plus have released a list of discounts available through their car buying service. These discounts, and many more, are available to you by being a dues paying MemberCheck out the discounts by clicking here.

Looking for updates regarding Asplundh Tree Negotiations?

09/10/15 - Click on the tab in the upper right labeled "Asplundh Tree Negotiations" for updates.

What did you do during the Labor Day Weekend to support the cause?

09/08/15 - The first Monday in September means the end of summer for some, but for us, it's personal. It's important for us to remember that workers before us bled and died for the Labor rights that we enjoy today. Often, we even take these things granted, forgetting about the sacrifices made to reach a standardized work day, improvements in safety, not to mention a living wage and fair benefits. Just take a look at some of the things our Members were involved in during Labor Day weekend. Click here to see what they were involved in...

Just a reminder for next month's unit meetings...

08/24/15 - Due to the Labor Day holiday, Connersville, Columbus, and Lafayette will be held on September 14th.

As always, you can check the calendar to stay current on unit meeting schedules!

PAC hats are back!

08/20/15 - Now we have two different versions. The original style has been reproduced, and in addition to that, we have a mesh back summer version. Both are pictured below. In order to get one, contact your steward. You'll need to begin or increase an automatic COPE/PAC deduction by as little as one penny per pay period, or may a one time donation of $20. By donating, you are furthering the cause of organized labor and increasing the resources available to seek a favorable legal environment for Unions. It is your opportunity to band together with other Union Members in order to provide a collective voice to our elected officials. Click on the pictures to zoom in.


Union membership offers savings for your vacation, too:

08/19/15 - One of the often unrecognized benefits of Union membership is the discounts that are available to you through Union Plus. If you're in need of a vacation, check out some of the travel discounts available here.

A day of charitable giving and fellowship, by the numbers:

08/15/15 - The Charity Golf Scramble that was put on by the local's RENEW committee was a huge success! The Local would like to thank Cameron Thomson for leading the effort of putting this event on. Additionally, RENEW members Jerry Smith, Marshall Boyle, and Kyle Shake were instrumental in making this event possible!

We had 14 teams.

Each team had 4 people.

There were 29 attempts to win a car by making a hole in one.

The winner of the 50/50 raffle, donated their winnings to Riley.

A total of $2500 was raised for Riley Children's Foundation!

Thanks to everyone who enjoyed the day with us!


On This Day in 1914...

08/05/15 - The world’s first electric traffic signal is put into place in Cleveland, Ohio.

Did you know that we work on these too? We have a three and a half year apprenticeship program to train men and women on how to install, repair, and replace traffic signal equipment. To get started in this career path, simply fill out the "Contact Us" form under the "About Us" section.

Labor Day events in Indiana

08/03/15 - We're participating in several Labor Day events throughout the state this year. For more information, check out the event page here.

Labor Day shirts are now available for order! Order below:

07/10/15 - Click below for the order form and a flyer for the shirts. All checks are to be made out to IBEW Local 1393 and must be sent with the order form to the Union Hall. We will also be ordering a limited quantity of shirts for sale at the Hall. Thanks to R.J. Jines for working on this!

Download IBEW 1393 2015 LABOR DAY T.pdf


How a union saved a worker's job...

06/24/15 - Under Indiana law, an employee has little to no rights to fight back against an over reaching employer unless they have a contract, such as a Collective Bargaining Agreement through a union. Click here for more: http://indy.st/1N5B6pc

We have a new date for the Charity Golf Scramble!

06/22/15 - Join us on August 15, 2015 to benefit the Riley Children's Foundation!

Charity Golf Scramble has been postponed:

06/19/15 - The charity golf scramble has been put on hold due to this weekend's weather. We'll be posting a new date in the future!

Duke Energy Members:

06/08/15 - Log in and go to "Negotiation Updates" to see more information about contract updates.

An update on Brother Mark Hall:

05/15/2015 - We visited with Brother Mark Hall today at Eskenazi Health in Indianapolis, IN (the old Wishard Burn Center) and his spirits are high. He has multiple surgeries ahead of him but he is only expected to be in the burn center for another couple of weeks. Brother Hall received injuries to his left arm and lower extremities. He was thankful for the outpouring of support he has received thus far. Mark is a 5th Step Apprentice with us and we greatly look forward to his recovery.


We are a proud member of the National Sisterhood United for Journeymen Lineman and they are in the midst of responding to Mark’s family to provide assistance. By IBEW Local 1393 being a sponsor of the NSUJL, our members are able to receive assistance for themselves and their family following an injury such as this. The NSUJL will consult with Brother Mark and his family to determine what is needed. Also, individually, you can become a member of NSUJL as well to be able to support your fellow Brothers and Sisters in situations such as this. We highly encourage you to check them out at www.nsujl.org.


One of our Members was injured on the job today:

05/13/15 - 7:15PM - Brothers and Sisters, Local 1393 Member Mark Hall was injured on the job today. He was working for L.E. Myers in the Bloomington, IN area. He is presently in surgery and we do not know any further information at this time. We have a Business Agent that is on the way to the hospital and we'll release more information as we have it.


Join us for a charity golf scramble benefiting Riley Children's Foundation!

05/12/15 - Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health is one of the nation’s best children’s hospitals. Expert, family-centered pediatric care is available at Riley for every child who needs it. We've partnered with the Riley Children's Foundation to host a benefit for them at the Elk's Club in Sullivan, IN. Find out more here...


Why we need collective bargaining:


05/01/15 - Read more about it here: http://www.epi.org/publication/benefits-of-collective-bargaining/


04/21/15 - IBEW Local 1393 was originally part of Local #9, which dates back to January 9th, 1892. As Local #9 grew, we were formed on April 21st, 1944 and we were originally known as B-9.

Asplundh Tree Expert Co. and IBEW Local #1393 reached agreement to reinstate three Asplundh employees:

04/13/15 - A settlement was reached with Asplundh Tree Expert Co. regarding three employees that were terminated the day before their election to join the Union. These three employees were assisting the Union in giving Asplundh employees a voice while working on Indiana & Michigan Power property. The settlement will require the Company to reinstate all three employees and giving each of them a settlement payment.

The three employees were terminated by Asplundh for doing side work while off the clock. They were working within the guidelines of Asplundh’s own Employee Handbook regarding side work. Why would Asplundh terminate three employees for doing exactly what is allowed according to their employee handbook?

They each assisted in interpreting and discussing with their coworkers the benefits of joining the Union. We saw this as an intimidation tactic by Asplundh against their employees to keep them from having a voice in their workplace. Employees are protected under certain sections of United States law from employer intimidation when the employees are working towards joining or forming a Union.

We took immediate action to assist these men that were terminated by Asplundh. We went to the National Labor Relations Board and filed what is called an Unfair Labor Practice charge with the Union’s Labor Attorney when we believed that the company is acting illegally during an organizing effort. This is simply one of our tools that we can use to assist future Members who have been are on the receiving end of actions by a company that doesn't have its employees’ best interests in mind. In this case, Asplundh decided to enter into settlement discussions with the Union in exchange for dropping the charges. This is a great victory for Asplundh employees, and a fantastic example of how Union Membership can make a difference for employees.

Union Member Benefit: Get cash back with Union Plus when purchasing a home!

04/13/15 - Just by simply using some real estate services coordnated by our friends over at Union Plus, our Membership is able to get cash back when purchasing a home. Check out the details here.

Our families want us return home safely too.

03/27/15 - Thank you for being cautious and slowing down in our work zones.


Some facts about work zone safety:


It's for your safety too...

03/25/15 - It's important to remember that the amber lights, orange signs and safety cones aren't just for our safety, but for yours as well. We establish an area inside those cones in which only persons authorized are able to enter. We work among many hazards and dangers in our daily work, and setting up a work zone is one of the many ways in which we protect the general public.

Our work zones can happen any day of the week, at any hour, in any weather.


Christmas day, a foot of snow, and there is a gas leak in your neighborhood - We're out there.

A water main break in the busiest street of the city - We're out there.

That thunderstorm that rolled through at 2:30 A.M. on a Saturday morning that knocked out electricity in the area - We're out there.

Wherever you are, we could be too. When you see our trucks and workers, please give us some room. Safety is first and foremost in all that we do. We all have families to go home to when our work is done, just as you do.

We appreciate all drivers being cautious around us!

It's Indiana Work Zone Awareness Week!

03/23/15 - As part of our continuous efforts to bring safety to the forefront of our daily work, this week you'll be seeing posts about Work Zone Awareness. We started getting ready for this late last year with our "Slow Down, Move Over" bumper stickers that have been appearing on utility trucks. Over 95% of our signatories contracts have agreed to place these stickers on their trucks. The aim is to bring awareness to Indiana's Move Over, Slow Down Law as it relates to utility workers and their vehicles:

Move Over, Slow Down Law

To protect emergency and highway personnel, Indiana law requires motorists to approach cautiously when an emergency vehicle is stopped on two or four lane roadways with emergency lights flashing.

Change lanes away from the emergency vehicle if you can do so safely. If not, reduce your speed 10 mph under the posted speed limit and proceed with caution. Motorists should NOT STOP in the roadway, this may cause a chain reaction rear end collision with other vehicles. Do MOVE OVER and/or SLOW DOWN. As you are driving, plan well ahead by watching for these vehicles: 
• Police vehicles 
• Ambulances 
• Fire trucks and rescue equipment 
• Highway incident-response vehicles 
• Highway maintenance vehicles
• Utility service vehicles (effective July 1, 2010)
• Vehicle recovery equipment (tow trucks)

Violating the law can result in a fine and your license will be suspended up to 2 years if you cause damage to emergency equipment, injury or death to an emergency worker.
Even though Indiana's Move Over Laws state that motorists must move over and yield for only emergency vehicles, drivers should always be courteous to those who are broken down on the shoulder. Give them room so that they can safely repair their vehicles. Be a courteous driver and help prevent tragedies.

New OSHA standards will be going into effect:

03/18/15 - Soon you'll be seeing changes regarding FR Clothing, Fall Protect, and Approach Distances. Read more here.

Negotiations with Duke Energy will be ongoing for this week. Here's a quote for the day:

03/10/15 - "We have come too far, struggled too long, sacrificed too much and have too much left to do, to allow that which we have achieved for the good of all to be swept away without a fight. And we have not forgotten how to fight." - the late Lane Kirkland, former AFL-CIO President.

Duke Energy negotiations update:

02/24/15 - The Union and the Company met today starting at 10:00AM to discuss proposals. See the Member's section of the website for negotiation updates.

Want updates from the local?

02/20/15 - Did you know that you can receive text messages and/or email updates from us? If you're a Member, log in to the website and fill out the appropriate information in "Member Demographics" and you'll be on the list!

Duke Energy negotiations update:

02/18/15 - We have exchanged proposals. You'll need to sign in on our website at the upper right hand corner, then select the "Negotiation Updates" tab. This will only be visible to Members that are Duke Energy employees. In the future, there will be confidential information posted in this area. Please refrain from accessing this area while using a Duke Energy computer, and always be sure to log out of the website when you are done.


02/12/15 - Employees of Asplundh Tree Expert Co. that work on Indiana & Michigan Power property have voted to join IBEW Local 1393! We had 67 votes to join, and 8 votes cast not to join. We will be welcoming 111 Members into our Local!!!

Steven L. Moore will be missed...

02/09/15 - Long time Executive Board Member from Unit 2 (Columbus) has passed away. Click through the link for information on services and memorial contributions.

Have you checked out our Facebook page?

02/03/15 - We're just shy of 500 likes! Check it out at www.facebook.com/IBEW1393.

Been wondering when our unit meetings are?

01/30/15 - Just click on "Calendar" up on top to see the locations and times of upcoming unit meetings.

Have you checked out the recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report from the U.S. Department of Labor?

01/28/15 - Fast Fact: The median weekly earnings of a union member was $970 vs a non union worker's median weekly earnings of $763. That's nearly $11,000 per year!

You can read it all here: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/union2.pdf

Duke Energy Negotiations

01/20/15 - The formulations committee will be meeting over the next couple of days to discuss contract proposals for the upcoming negotiations.

Attention Construction Members

01/15/15 - You are now able to sign the books and submit online. Just use the same links as before from the construction tab across the top of the page.

Duke Energy Negotiations

01/12/15 - The Formulations Committee for the upcoming Duke Energy negotiations have been selected. To view, you must be a Duke Energy Member. Login through the upper right hand corner of the page, then look for the tab labeled "Negoitation Updates" and select the drop down.

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